Lost Angel Bar & Restaurant
Is Now Permanently Closed
Farewell Everyone
Due to pandemic since early 2020 we had been closed for 2 years without income apart from government support. Financially, we should have been gone since the early pandemic, but we felt it was very hard to let go of our regulars, and kept on pushing another year in 2022 thru the end of restrictions.
After ending numerous restrictions in Victoria later in 2022, working from home has been the major reason that effect us the most. Number of office workers coming to work in the city has been dropped down dramatically, not to mention the recent covid-19 wave that prevented people coming to their offices in CBD. Financially, we could not afford to keep the shop open any longer. Therefore decided to terminate the lease early at the end of 2022. With an incomparably heavy heart, Lost Angel Bar & Restaurant team would like to thank you for all your support over 10 years since we opened the place.
Our team will still serve at Fitzroy North and Balwyn. Please pop in to say hello or some of our popular items.
Best wishes for everything.